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Friday, March 12, 2010

Today is Megaswagbucks Friday!

Today you can earn between 10-10,000 swagbucks by searching the web! So get to searching!

What is Swagbucks? It is a search engine and you get randomly rewarded for your searches. Any time I am on the web I always go there first and type in where I want to go, even my own website! I'll then randomly get 10 – 50 Swagbucks per day. They can be redeemed for a variety of gift cards the most popular one is a $5 Amazon.com gift card. I get two or three of these a month. Also be sure to refer your friends. When they win you win! However today on megaswagbucks day you can win between 10 – 10,000 Swagbucks! So get to searching and if you haven't signed up yet you can do so here.

Also don’t forget to get your daily Swagbucks! One of of the scrolling screens on the homepage it says Special Offers - A long time ago, in a Swag galaxy far, far away, Swagernauts could only earn 1 SB a week on the Special Offers page. Now, you can earn every day by viewing our No Obligation Offers. Isn't the future grand?

To get these click on the special offers in the quick links. Then click no obligation offers. Sometimes you will need to click through several pages to get your Swagbucks. I have gotten 2 today.

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