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Monday, January 18, 2010

Why I consider myself to be a Crockpot queen – Benefits of batch and Crockpot cooking

For a long time I didn’t really cook all that much. I developed some pretty bad habits when I first moved out. I knew how to cook because in my childhood at my father’s home we took turns cooking once a week as part of our chores. I just told myself I was too busy.

Strangely enough the motivating factor that got me cooking on a regular basis was the three weeks I did doing missionary type work in Tena Ecuador. After spending $2.50 or less on a meal or $5.00 on a meal that lasted all day I just couldn’t bring myself to spend what I used to on fast food, eating out and quick snacks. The thing was I was still busy! So I got into Crockpot cooking and I absolutely love it.

Crockpot cooking is very forgiving and adaptable. It is usually a good way to batch cook as the meal will last two or three days. That makes it very economical and good for the frugal lifestyle. Also you can make your own soups and control the sodium content as well as other ingredients which usually makes it healthier for you if you have the right recipe.

You can make just about anything in a Crockpot you’d be highly surprised of the wonderful desserts, drinks, and single dishes that comes out of it.

For a few pointers on how to cook with the crockpot check out this Sparkpeople article here.

For more ways to batch cook check out this article here. I have a very small freezer but as soon as I am able to get another freezer I plan to do more batch cooking and freezing.

For some of my easy recipes mostly crockpot and casseroles check out this sparkpeople recipe book I put together here.

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